Ke Keiki/Sandy

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Banana peel bacon

 I've been MIA for a long time! With the weather cooling down a little, and rain after a very long drought,  I decide to experiment with a new recipe I have heard about. Banana peel bacon!   ðŸ¥“ easy peasy. I took the peel, very ripe,  from my breakfast banana,  scraped the inside with a spoon. Next I marinaded it in, shoyu, maple syrup and smoked paprika with garlic powder.  Then fried it in a little oil! Careful not to burn! It was surprisingly good although it did not taste like bacon, I can see where it would be a good choice for a vegan breakfast! I planned to  include a photo but can't figure out how! 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Best Pizza Crust

I just made the best pizza crust yet, No pics but I topped it with pizza sauce, mozzarella, cheddar,Italian sausage, spices, and caramelized onions. I will definitely be making this again, and soon.Thank you Bravo for Paleo!…/…/gluten-free-pizza-crust-recipe/

Are you looking for a gluten free pizza crust that tastes amazing? I was too, which led to me hours of recipe testing and a fabulous end product! I’m excited to let you know that recipe posts will be out every Monday morning now, hopefully before…

Monday, May 13, 2013


I needed some mayonnaise today and wanted something a little different. It turned out great.

1 room temperature egg

1/2 c extra light olive oil 

1/2 c coconut oil

1 tbsp 1/2 pear vinegar  1/2  white balsamic vinegar

1 level tbsp Inglehoffer stone ground mustard

1/2 tsp Pink Himalayan salt

Wisk or blend egg with vinegar, mustard and salt. Slowly trickle oils into egg mixture while blending. Be patient and keep it to a thin trickle, it will emulsify but it takes awhile. Enjoy!

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Taste!

I recently came by some persimmons, my good friend Melody, that owns the property where they grow, was out of town so I asked her trusty dog (Porkchop) if I could pick some. I knew nothing about persimmons so I had to look them up, it's a good thing I did because they are very bitter if you don't let them ripen fully. Well now I'm hooked they are so sweet and delicious. Today I had them with greek yogurt and nuts and berries.I also tried my newly acquired Paleo Bread from I bought Coconut and Almond, I had the coconut (toasted) with my fruit yogurt. Delightful breakfast.

Greek yogurt, fruit, berries and nuts


Breakfast with grain free toast.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I haven't posted in soooo! long, ever since I lost my camera. My camera has been found, yay! and I tried a new recipe for graham crackers, so I will dust the rust from my blogging skills and see if I can come up with a decent bit of information.

I found a recipe on  a wonderful blog @......Eat The Cookie

They were a little soft, so I need to tweak them a bit, but they were very good.

Ready for the oven

Snack with coconut manna

With any luck I will post some more wonderful recipes and ideas. I love this primal life!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Great Breakfast!

An interesting thing about being Primal/Paleo, you meet the most interesting awesome people. I found
Marina MapuHa from: Marina's Primal/Paleo Cooking ,
so when she posted Paleo Crepes I knew It was  the perfect recipe for me.  If you know me, you know I'm a Hawaiian at heart.You can take the Wahine out of the Islands but you can take the Mango away from her, for she will seek it out.This is where the crepes come in, a new way to enjoy my mango. Of course they turned out magnificent so I will be trying a variety of different filling in them. Here is Marina's recipe as she posted it with my notes included.
Paleo Crepe Recipe

6 eggs
1 1/2 cups almond flour
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup water
2 tbsp coconut flour
2 tbsp honey
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp sea salt

Place everything into blender and blend it for 60 seconds. Let sit for at least 30 minutes.
Heat a crepe pan over medium heat and add enough coconut oil to coat the pan. Add a laddle full of batter to the pan. Swirl to coat the pan thinly. Let cook until brown and carefully flip. If they are not holding together for you add another tbsp of coconut flour to the batter.

Ke Keiki's review:
I cut this recipe by half and didn't use honey. The result was six, 6 inch, phenominal crepe's.
 I did sprinkle some with cinnamon before flipping them.

 Mahalo Marina, crepes and I will be spending many mornings together.
Don't forget to check out Marina's page for more great recipes, Marina's Primal/Paleo Cooking


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Little changes.

I love how you can make a little change and get huge results. Today I decided to sprinkle garlic pepper on my bacon before cooking. Wow!, fantastic. I also had my fruit in a special bowl that I picked up at a pottery sale.

Just a few changes made breakfast time special.Do something good for yourself every day!